3 Common Dental Veneer Problems & How To Prevent Them
ShareIf you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth you are not alone. More than one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile. Even more alarming—nearly half of the respondents from the survey said they untagged pictures of themselves on a social media website because they didn't like the way their smile looked.
Some people choose to improve their smile with veneers, only to experience the same problem later with not liking their smile. This is due to several problems that can develop with veneers. Fortunately, these problems are avoidable.
Here's what you need to know if you are considering getting dental veneers to achieve a smile you can be proud of.
Veneers Are Loose & Pop Back & Forth
Veneers that are loose or pop back and forth can make it difficult to eat and speak. And, when there's movement of any kind, you'll probably always be worried that other people may notice or—worse—that your veneers will come off at any time. Fortunately, movement is not typical for veneers, but it can happen for several reasons.
- you grind your teeth at night
- you have an unbalanced bite
- you have poor tooth structure
Grinding your teeth and biting with an unbalanced bite can cause strain on veneers. To prevent problems with grinding your teeth at night, you may need to wear a mouth guard while you sleep. An unbalanced bite should be assessed prior to getting your veneers. This is typically done with a neuromuscular bite assessment.
Poor tooth structure, such as an unevenly shaped tooth, can also cause strain on the veneers. Poor tooth structure should be compensated for during the preparation process. A natural tooth with poor structure should be reshaped so the bonding agent can adhere the veneer to the tooth correctly.
Veneers Are Discolored & Don't Match Other Natural Teeth
The color of your teeth will depend on three things: the veneers, your tooth, and the bonding agent. If your teeth are unevenly colored or stained, it will show through the veneers. It's a good idea to have your teeth professionally cleaned and whitened prior to getting your veneers. Also, it's important to take good care of your teeth to prevent decay behind the veneers, because if your tooth is discolored it will be noticeable. Decay that begins behind the tooth can result in discoloration of the front of the tooth.
In the future, your veneers may become discolored around the edges if moisture is present at the time your dentist seals your veneers. Be sure your dentist is adequately experienced in applying veneers.
Veneers Don't Cover Areas Receded by Gum Disease
Veneers are placed directly on top of your teeth and extremely close to your gum line. If your gum line recedes, the uncovered portion of your tooth will become visible. Not only can this make you want to cover up your smile, but it can also make cleaning your teeth and gums difficult. Also, food particles and bacteria can become trapped at the top of the veneer where the veneer ends. This can lead to decay.
Gums recede due to gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. You can prevent gum disease by brushing and flossing regularly. Don't skip out on professional cleanings just because you have veneers, because plaque and tartar can develop on them. These natural substances need to be professionally removed to keep your oral cavity healthy and prevent gum disease.
Prevention is important with many things in life, including with your dental veneers. The best way to prevent these 3 common problems with veneers is with preventative measures. Speak with your dentist, like one at Dentistry For the Entire Family, regarding potential problems you could face with your dental veneers.