Tips And Tricks For Those New To Dentures
ShareWelcome to the wonderful world of having dentures! There can be a few things about having dentures that can be painful, irksome or downright annoying to new denture wearers. This article will address a few of your concerns. Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and you're not exactly going to get used to your new lifestyle right off the bat. Give it some time and let having dentures help you live life to the fullest extent.
Changing Your Eating Habits
Admittedly, having dentures means making a few adjustments. You will have to realize and come to the conclusion that your eating habits will have to change, for at least a short while. First and foremost, you will have to avoid caramel for sometime. Other chewy foods should remain off the menu for the time being; as a neophyte denture wearer, you'll have to ease your way into being able to chew such foods.
You should stick to eating soft foods. Fish, vegetables, yogurt, ice cream and eggs are all recommended to new denture wearers due to the ease of chewing them. Remember to take small, careful bites and to not chew with your front teeth. You can eventually ease yourself into taking bigger bites and eating larger portions, but for now, take it slow.
When Can I Add More Foods To My Menu?
It can be annoying to not be able to eat your favorite foods for some time. Don't fret, after a grace period, you will be eating steak and caramel with the best of them. Denture wearers often take about two weeks to three months before re-acclimating themselves to their favorite foods.
This also means starting off with significantly smaller portions than you may be used to or readjusting your diet so that it becomes more diverse. Firm vegetables and fruits are usually the first items that denture wearers re-introduce to themselves. It is recommended that denture wearers wear a zinc-free adhesive that prevents seeds and others bit of fruits and vegetables from becoming attached to your dentures.
One of the primary problems that new denture wearers endure is a reduced ability to speak. Words that seemed so simple to pronounce properly can become a chore for new denture wearers. Don't worry, almost every brand new wearer of dentures experiences this problem.
New wearers often find that biting down hard before speaking readjusts the dentures properly, allowing speech to flow more naturally and you normally won't have to readjust the dentures mid-speech. The sound of some letters won't sound "correct" for some time. Fs and Ss have proven to be particularly difficult for denture wearers. Take your time and practice these letters in front of a mirror in order to boost your confidence and allow you to speak these letters properly.
Sleeping With Dentures
Remember that it is perfectly acceptable to sleep with your dentures. Some people wear their dentures all of the time, taking them out only for a thorough cleaning. If you are a teeth grinder, you will want to reconsider wearing the dentures at night. This can lead to a litany of problems, including a sore jaw and broken dentures. Remember that if you do decide to sleep with your dentures, don't be alarmed when you find them on your pillow in the morning. This happens to a lot of new denture wearers due to them not having properly acclimated themselves to properly adjusting their dentures.
Wearing dentures can take some getting used to, but with this series of tips and tricks on how you should treat your dentures, you'll be resuming a normal life in no time flat. If you have severe issues with your dentures, such as too tight of a fit, extreme looseness or they won't stay in place, talk to your dentist. Your dentist can ensure that you get the right fit, and soon you won't even notice your dentures are in place.