Four Tips To Make Your Veneers Last Longer

27 June 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental veneers are the most innovative way to perfect your smile. Not only do they make your smile whiter and brighter, but they can also cover up gaps, chips, and slightly crooked teeth. Dental veneers don't last forever though. You can usually expect them to last for at least seven years, although with a few tips and lifestyle changes, your veneers can last up to 15 years or more. 

Schedule Regular Cleanings

Once your dental veneers are in place, you're going to feel like your teeth are in tip-top shape. While they're certainly going to look completely healthy, without regular checkups and professional cleanings, underlying decay can develop. This can cause your veneers to loosen or even fall off. In some cases, your dentist can re-bond your veneer, but if it cracks or if your natural tooth becomes severely decayed, you might need to have the veneer replaced. The better you are about scheduling professional cleanings twice a year to remove plaque and detect decay, the longer your veneers can last.

Avoid Using Your Teeth as Tools

Most men and women use their chompers as tools at some point, whether it's to rip open a bag of chips or loosen up a tight knot. It's completely normal to use your teeth to complete a task, but it's a bad habit to develop. Doing this can fracture or chip your natural teeth. When you add fragile, wafer thin dental veneers into the mix, your risk of breaking, fracturing, or cracking them is high. Make your dental veneers last as long as possible by reaching for actual tools, instead of using your teeth.

Start Chomping Instead of Biting

Even though dental veneers are super thin and are securely bonded into place, each time you bite down into something, you risk making veneers loosen up or pop off. If you regularly bite into apples, bagels, corn on the cob, or similar tough food, consider making changes after you have veneers. Cut up your food instead, so you only have to chew and chomp rather than bite. Ultimately, making these minor changes in your eating habits could help preserve your new veneers for as long as possible.

Wear a Mouth Guard

Once your veneers are in place, have your dentist fit you for a custom mouth guard. You should wear your mouth guard while sleeping or participating in sporting events. This way, you're less likely to grind or clench your teeth, which are issues that are known for cracking and breaking veneers. The benefit of getting a custom mouth guard, rather than a one-size-fits-all from the pharmacy, is that your dentist can ensure that it fits perfectly over your natural teeth and veneers and doesn't slip around. You're going to have optimal veneer protection with a custom mouth guard.